How To Know If Your Baby Is Tongue Tied

How To Know If Your Baby Is Tongue Tied

Thanks so much for sharing @parentsandco 💕

@familydentalcentreguelph is Ontario’s premier and only Lip & Tongue Tie Centre. I see on a daily basis how tongue & lip tie release benefits both babies and mamas.

Fun fact, both of my boys were tongue tied, and this contributed to our inability to continue to breastfeed. I wasn’t even aware that tongue ties existed at the time! Things could have so different for my breastfeeding journey if I had.

Please feel free to reach out and schedule a consultation if you believe your baby may have a tongue or lip tie.

Repost from @parentsandco


Tongue Tie is not always easy to spot, some babies are checked before they leave hospital, but this isn’t always the case and go undiagnosed.

It can have a massive effect on breastfeeding, such as:

❗️Difficulty latching
❗️Difficulty staying latched
❗️pain while feeding
❗️cracked and sore nipples

Other signs of tongue tie include

❗️baby displaying fussiness at the breast
❗️bobbing on and off the breast
❗️colic and reflux symptoms
❗️can affect milk supply
❗️clicking sound whilst drinking

All of this can cause a lot of pain and discomfort with breastfeeding, leaving mums feeling exhausted and often cause mummy to end her breastfeeding journey... some TT are easier to spot, depending if they are anterior or posterior...always it’s worth having your baby checked even if they have been checked before they left hospital.

A simple snip of the frenulum can make all the difference to breastfeeding success.

Have you had a baby with tongue tie?

Related: What Is A Tongue Tie

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